SUI GENERIS punk rock bike shop home-brew art/craft love

Sui Generis gets to the fine point

In my new collections position at work, I have discovered something about my professional areas of motivation. I don't enjoy dealing with cash flow; or at least, a job where I send out claims and collect on debts is not personally satisfying. I have no qualms about spending money, and I enjoyed somewhat the invoice-approval aspect of my old job. Withholding paychecks? That's kind of fun. Collecting on bills? Not so much.

For some reason or another, I just don't care about the profit-making end of my company. A horrible attitude from their point of view, no doubt. The fact is, money doesn't inspire me. People do, I think. I enjoy working with ideas and development plans and creative projects. I like to research and write and share what I've learned. I just don't like doing what I am doing.

So what action should I take with this new awareness? Well, I need to get out of this job, for one thing. The big question is, what positive steps do I take next to find a career that I do find satisfying and enjoyable and even (dare I hope?) fun? That's really what this blog is all about; it's not about law school or biking, it's about making choices and taking action to improve all areas of life.

Categories: work, life


drvono said...

You're starting to sound like the character in my next novel!

CM said...

I feel exactly the same way; I just don't care about money. Don't get me wrong -- I like having money. But I don't want to think about how to make and manage it.

I'm sure you can find a job that's more creative or service-oriented. You should consider career paths, not just jobs -- in some careers you start out being creative, but if you want to advance you have to move to the business end.