SUI GENERIS punk rock bike shop home-brew art/craft love

Blood Drive

About a month ago, I signed up to give blood at my office. We had a minimum limit of volunteers to attain before the Bloodmobile people would agree to come out, and the initial response was less than anticipated. A couple of weeks ago, a company representative confessed that we were several pints short of a drive and begged more people to sign up. I was starting to hope that we had failed to reach the magic number and the whole thing would fall through (more on that in a second) when it was announced today that we got our quota and it's going to happen.

They also said that we can sign up for a particular time during the day to leave our cubicles, roll up our sleeves, and relinquish that precious fluid. This presents an interesting problem. Frankly, I hate giving blood. I did it once before, the attendant was sloppy, and my blood somehow got spattered all over my arm. I nearly passed out, twice. I am doing it again because:

  1. Giving blood is a Good Thing,
  2. I want to overcome my fear of needles that was exacerbated by the first occasion, and
  3. It's on my list of 101 things to do (for the reasons in #s 1 & 2), so I'll feel like a loser if I don't go through with it.

Now my question is, for what time do I volunteer? Should I be the first to go so that the nurses are fresh and alert, or late in the day when they've had some time to warm up and are in no hurry to finish with me and move onto the next vein? Or some time in between? I'm leaning towards morning, because that would give me the additional bonus of less time to worry about it. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you go in the morning you can pass out on your desk and claim your tired from giving blood!

has it been 1 year since your irezumi? oh dear,yes, very much so. its been so long...