SUI GENERIS punk rock bike shop home-brew art/craft love

New car

This is my new car, a metallic blue Saturn Ion, from the first year of production. It's pretty nice. It's taller than my old Saturn, and it feels more spacious without seeming significantly larger. There are some great features that were missing in my old Saturn, like a CD player and power windows. The remote keyless entry feature alone was worth the price of admission.

It was running perfectly until I decided to test its subaquatic capabilities. Our streets flash-flooded during a big thunderstorm and I drove my new car into a puddle that turned out to be the depth of my floorboards. Of course my engine died. My wife ran down the street in pouring rain and got in the car to steer while I pushed it out of the intersection. Two weeks and several hundred dollars later, it's in almost as good condition as when I bought it.

I put off this post for a while because I didn't have a lot to say about this car. Now that I've seen it through this disaster and the subsequent healing process, a bond has formed between us. I love my car!


E. McPan said...

Does it have a name?

drvono said...

Do you name your cars?

Anonymous said...

it was a bit more than "several hundred dollars" in damage!!

Sui Generis said...

I love this car, but I have not named it yet. Old Alphonse was in my life for a while before he got an appellation. The new car and I still have some way to go before then.

Jenna: perhaps "many" hundreds is more accurate? Certainly it was many more than I hoped to spend on fixing such a stupid mistake.

E. McPan said...

Do you at least have a gender picked out?

Sui Generis said...

Gender confusion is the main problem, E! If I figured out the sex, I could find a good name for it. I think I have an androgynous car.