SUI GENERIS punk rock bike shop home-brew art/craft love


A Summers Day, originally uploaded by Haggis Chick.

I think I might abandon this place and leave it to naturally decay and grow weeds between the cracks. My life has changed away drastically from the original intention: from law student to bicycle commuter to craft show tycoon. I need a new space to sprawl out in, not fraught with the gravity that has accrued around the Sui Generis brand name, and disconnected from my other more public undertakings.

This blog I leave for the world and random Google searches.

But, there is another! I have started a blog elsewhere to chronicle my perilous journey into parenthood. For my family, acquaintances, and Internet friends (you know who you are) I extend an invitation: contact me, and I will send you the URL to my new webjournalspace, where you will be welcomed with open arms to the next chapter of my life. See you on the other side.