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Sweet dreams

I was sleep-blogging last night. I came up with a great post idea, just as I was drifting off to sleepy land, and mentally wrote out to two paragraphs. Now, I can't remember what it was about. While my head was stewing in creative juices last night, there's just nothing there this morning. I should have written it down.

Actually, I do all my best creative work at night. When I've got a novel in my head especially I can't help but brainstorm on it as I lie in bed. The problem is that once I get up, turn on the light, and start writing in my notebook, I'm not getting back to sleep for a long time.

I don't like losing material, but I also don't like losing sleep. During last year's NaNoWriMo, I did all my writing late at night and it killed my schedule for getting any work done before noon at my day job. What's an aspiring writer to do? If I ever hit it big as a novelist and make writing my full time job, I'll be going totally nocturnal.

Categories: writing


drvono said...

Some of my best ideas have come to me while drifting off to sleep or slowly waking up. My highly metaphoric theory is that during this stage, some mental/creative walls fall and there is less interference between you and those creative juices than at any other time.

More concretely, maybe it's not the time of the day, but the state of mind you are in at that time.

Sui Generis said...

I agree. So if I really want to harness my full potential for creativity, I just need to be in an altered state of mind all the time!

Nathan said...

Interesting, very interesting...

annie said...

You did NaNoWriMo? You must tell me all about it! Did you finish? Can I read it? Have you done it other years? Nate is trying very hard to get me to enter this year, but I have a bad feeling that if I did I'd be writing it at work, and I already screw off enough at work. I'm super curious though. Email me... name of my blog (not including subtitle) at yahoo.... :-)

Sui Generis said...

Annie, and other new readers, can check out my November archives to read more than you want to know about my novel writing experience.